Filters for well water

Meltwater, rainwater, waste waters, along with agricultural chemicals and soil particles can leak through the cracks in joints

This leads to contamination of well water. If the well is rarely used, water stagnates there and becomes turbid, silt accumulates at the bottom. Small debris, dust and dirt get into water as well.

Well water is rarely clear. If it has a greenish tint, that means algae and microorganisms growth.

Water can turn black because of organic compounds. There is too much iron in rusty water: it is unpleasant to drink, it spoils household appliances and leaves stains on your clothes. In addition, water taste and smell can be spoilt with hydrogen sulfide, and sweetish taste appears due to nitrogen compounds.

The problem of contaminated well water is solved by AQUAPHOR water treatment and filtration systems

If you want your water to have a balanced composition, you need to choose the right water filtration system.

This requires a chemical analysis of water from the well. We can perform an in-house analysis of your water, taking into account all important parameters — the number of residents, water consumption rate and the well depth.

Standard solutions

What can be done if well water is muddy?

Waterboss softeners can be used for cleaning turbid water from your well. Along with a pre-filter, they remove solid particles, iron, manganese and hardness salts from water.

It would also help, if you install an ultraviolet lamp to eliminate microorganisms, and a fine filter (for example, AQUAPHOR Viking) to remove organic compounds and heavy metals, and make your water clear.

Sand constantly gets into the well, the pump gets clogged and water pumping is quite poor. The bottom filter does not help

Sand can get in a well through cracks in the ring joints. Wells need to be cleaned every year or two, and joints need to be sealed.

If the pump is located too deep in the well, sand can be raised from the bottom - in this case, place it higher. Then you need to put a 50 micron mesh filter and a pre-filter (AQUAPHOR Gross or AQUAPHOR Viking with polypropylene cartridges) — they help remove sand, silt, rust and other particles of 5 microns and large. Pre-filters need to be replaced regularly, and mesh filters need to be rinsed so that they won't cause a significant water pressure drop.

Why is well water yellow?

The reason is oxidation of dissolved iron. To eliminate iron, we recommend using Waterboss iron removers and reverse osmosis systems that purify water at the molecular level.

Why does well water have a bad smell?

Unpleasant odor appears due to decomposition of organic substances or increased content of hydrogen sulfide. To eliminate the problem, we recommend AQUAPHOR Gross or Viking with fine cartridges. Such cartridge is a mixture of activated coconut shell carbon and AQUALEN microfiber. It will filter out heavy metals, organic compounds and trace impurities.

After fine filtration, there will be no more foreign flavours in your water.

Why does well water cause white deposit in a kettle?

Scale builds up in a kettle because your well water is hard. To soften such water, you need to remove calcium and magnesium salts.

Ion exchange resin used in Waterboss and WaterMax systems cope well with this problem. Waterboss filters eliminate calcium and magnesium salts, iron and manganese. In addition, WaterMax softeners remove nitrates, chlorine, high molecular weight organic compounds.

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