Working hours 9:00 AM – 18:00 PM
Premium filter. Pure water!

A greater future means pushing the limits of today. We constantly challenge the current state of water purification to introduce you to simple things – a refreshing sip of water, flavorful dinner with people you love, revitalizing shower, soft touch of home textiles.

Welcome to the world of Aquaphor clean water perfection.

A blown jug to blow away water impurities

10 glasses of fresh drinking water in a gracefully shaped design.

Drink it clean. Drink it fresh.

Reduce common tap water contaminants and cut-off the bacteria in tap water. Great water for sensitive health.

The excellence of homemade water

Enjoy exceptional water safety and the improved taste of drinks and food.

Discover our range of products

Watch out contaminants
Chlorine in tap water

A part of municipal water preparation. Kills microorganisms. Destroys water taste and smell. Cancerogenic

Arsenic in tap water

Natural born poison concentrated in the groundwater in certain regions.

Drugs in tap water
Drugs in tap water

The modern threat in drinking water. Uniformed medication is a bad idea.

Iron in tap water
Iron in tap water

A visible sign of old pipes or poor water preparation. easily reduced by a mechanical filter.

Water Hardness
Water Hardness

Excess of minerals diminishes cooking skills. Also, damages home appliances.

Lead and heavy metals in tap water
Lead and heavy metals

The old piping heritage. Dramatically persistent to stay inside our joints, bones ad nerves.

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