GEO magazine posted an overview of filters in the German water purification market. Among the other participants, there’s our AQUAPHOR Provence. Besides its superb quality, a convenient and environmentally friendly mechanical counter is specifically underlined in the article.
The counter is a real friend for users: no need to bother calculating the cartridge life, just look at the indicators. But such counters are generally electronic, and this is environmentally unhealthy because of the batteries.
Battery damage to the environment
One battery poisons approximately 20 m2 of soil. Alkali and heavy metals first enter the upper soil layers, then get to groundwater.
This year, groundwater as the most important source of freshwater was the theme on the World Water Day held by the UN.

From groundwater, toxic substances enter water bodies, including tap water sources. In addition to soil, a galvanic cell can deteriorate up to 400 liters of water.
Many people still throw used batteries into a general trash can without a second thought. As a result, billions of batteries are sent to landfills all over the world every year. Please, pay attention to their proper disposal, take care of nature and your own health.
What is it so special about the AQUAPHOR counter

We have found an environmentally friendly solution — a mechanical counter. This is our in-house R&D product, AQUAPHOR’s know-how. And now the internationally recognized magazine marks it as an advantage.
In addition, Provence was placed into the “best value for money” category, which is hard to disagree with: an elegant shatterproof jug with patented filter media really works wonders. AQUAPHOR uses the highest quality materials without overpricing.