Replaceable Viking water purifier module for complex pre-treatment of cold water. The B520 PRO consists of two layers: rust, colloidal iron, sand, other visible pollutants, as well as chemical impurities — organic compounds, chlorine and other toxins and allergens - are simultaneously removed from the water.

The outer layer of the module is made on the basis of a new generation sorption material — AQUALENE; 4 and fine activated coconut charcoal. At the pre-filtration stage, particles from 20 microns in size are removed from the water. The smaller the coal, the larger the area of its contact with water, which means deeper purification from impurities.

The inner layer of the B520 PRO module is another development of AQUAFOR — carbon block with AQUALEN fiber for deep water purification. This layer filters out particles up to 5 microns in size and effectively works with harmful "chemistry" in tap water — dissolved impurities.

Innovative developments in each filter layer increase the life of the B520 PRO by 50% compared to the B520-13.

Features and equipment

Features — 3
  • For cold water yes
  • Removes chlorine yes
  • Filter life, L 150 000

Buy B520 PRO

B520 PRO-1
B520 PRO
Prefiltration replacements
Free shipping from 150.00 €
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