Filter Bottle AQUAPHOR City with 150 L replacement cartridge is designed for cold drinking water treatment.

The cartridge removes common impurities, like active chlorine, heavy metals, toxins, and allergens from tap water. It also improves the taste and smell of your water.

The filter cartridge contains two highly efficient components: the patented AQUALEN microfiber and the activated carbon fiber. The latter has a significantly higher filtering capacity than the granular activated carbon of the same volume.

The AQUALEN’s selectivity to heavy metals is not its only advantage. It is a hydrophilic material, so it helps each drop of water to contact the carbon adsorbent, boosting the filtration speed and quality.

The bottle has a soft-touch durable surface. A wide strap is comfortable to hold, and a protective cap prevents water from spilling. The 800 ml volume is sufficient to support the water balance on the go. More water for filtration can be added any time. Convenient for travels and flights.

The filter water bottle is both eco- and budget-friendly. It helps to stop buying the water in disposable plastic bottles on a daily basis.

Buy Filter Bottle City 800 ml

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Filter Bottle City 800 ml-1
Filter Bottle City 800 ml-2
Dark Blue
Filter Bottle City 800 ml-3
Filter Bottle City 800 ml-4
Filter Bottle City 800 ml-5
Filter Bottle City 800 ml-6
Lime Filter Bottle City 800 ml
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