Filters for groundwater wells

Many people think that groundwater is clean and safe to drink.
But this is a myth

Water from a groundwater well is way better than well water: it does not contain organic impurities, and bacteria are less common there. But the groundwater well has its drawbacks: increased content of iron, hardness salts, manganese, hydrogen sulfide.


Iron often affects the quality of water from a groundwater well. Its maximum concentration has to be no more than 0.3 mg/l: if it is higher, water will taste bad. Also, in this case iron bacteria will spread, that means plumbing equipment and clothes after washing will be covered in yellow stains.


Water hardness is another common issue for a groundwater well. Water is considered hard if the content of calcium and magnesium salts exceeds 2–3 mEq/L. Hard water leads to the scale build-up in kettles, boilers and washing machines. Besides, soap, shampoo and washing powder would not foam well.

Hydrogen sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide is more and more often found in groundwater wells. The repulsive smell is not its only drawback — it also causes corrosion of copper, steel and brass items. Hydrogen sulphide is a toxic compound, and the water containing it is not potable.


The normal amount of manganese in water is 0.1 mg/l. If the concentration is higher, water gets a bad taste, stains appear on household appliances and washed clothes. Increased amount of manganese is bad for your nervous system.

AQUAPHOR water filtration and treatment systems solve a problem of contaminated water from a groundwater well.

If you want your water to have a balanced composition, you need to choose the right water filtration system.

This requires a chemical analysis of water from the groundwater well. We can perform an in-house analysis of your water, taking into account all important parameters — the number of residents, water consumption rate, the groundwater well depth.

Standard solutions

How do you remove iron from groundwater?

To remove iron from water, we recommend you to install a filter with ion-exchange resin. As the water passes through this resin, the dissolved iron ions are replaced by sodium ions.

This is how the WaterBoss filter works. It is suitable for removing iron from groundwater, provided that its concentration does not exceed 10 mg/l. Reverse osmosis systems also effectively filter out iron from water. These systems not only remove iron, but also bacteria, viruses, chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides and organic impurities.

How do you remove sand and silt from water?

To remove sand from groundwater, use mechanical filters. They are designed for pre-filtration and come in two types: those with cartridges and those with a mesh. In a cartridge filter, water is purified by passing through a replaceable cartridge. A mesh filter traps sand particles using a fine mesh screen.

For pre-filtration, we recommend you to install AQUAPHOR Gross 20 filter: it removes sand, silt, rust and other particles up to 10 microns.

How can groundwater be softened?

Ion exchange water filters, e. g. Waterboss and WaterMax softeners, work well for water softening. Waterboss filter series completely remove hardness salts, iron and manganese from water. Moreover, WaterMax filters remove chlorine, nitrates, and high-molecular organic compounds, that's why they cost more.

Waterboss and WaterMax softeners are designed to treat salt water from both shallow and artesian wells.

See the catalogue of softeners.

How do you get rid of an unpleasant water smell?

The problem can be solved by installation of a special filter for purification of groundwater and removal of smell.

AQUAPHOR Gross is designed for fine filtration. It removes unpleasant odor, heavy metals, organic compounds and trace contaminants. The filter cartridge is a mixture of activated coconut shell carbon and AQUALEN fiber. For effective filter operation, you need to replace cartridge according to the schedule.

Do I need to remove calcium from water?

Calcium helps your body function normally. A person gets essential amount of this element from water, so it cannot be removed completely. On the other hand, too much calcium makes water hard — this way, it can cause damage to household appliances. According to GOST, max. concentration of calcium in water varies from 30 to 140 mg/l.

If your tap water contains more calcium, you can install softeners, ion exchange filters, or reverse osmosis systems. They remove calcium salts and soften the water, while reverse osmosis filter, on top of that, enriches water with minerals. Before buying a filter, ask an expert for advise on a filter or on a package solution for water purification and mineralization.

Water from my groundwater well is turbid. What should I do?

Water can be turbid due to sand, high iron content, damage of the groundwater well filter or chemical contamination. In a shallow well, microalgae or bacteria can make water murky. To accurately determine the cause of water turbidity, we recommend a comprehensive analysis.

To purify water in your summer house and eliminate turbidity, we recommend you to install softeners, fine filters, or reverse osmosis systems. For example, our fine filter AQUAPHOR Gross makes water clear, removes ions of heavy metals, organic compounds, and trace impurities.

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