The 25th anniversary of World Water Day outlines the “Nature for Water“ theme. Every year on 22 of March the UN highlights the global importance of freshwater. Diminishing water resources is a challenge we all have to accept, the sooner the better.
Sustainable use of water is not only for organizations. Everyone can have a positive impact by optimizing their daily water routines. Closing the tap while you brush your teeth, taking a shower instead of a bath and so on. Water-efficient appliances and fixtures are also helpful.
At Aquaphor, we are inspired by the idea of preserving natural resources while providing families and businesses with fresh, clean and delicious water. Our products always aim to merge the diverse needs of consumers around the world with the efficient use of water.
This challenge lies in the basis of our innovative drinking water purifiers like the AQUAPHOR RO-101S — a compact reverse osmosis system that improves water usage efficiency by using a smart approach to storing clean water. The technological solutions of water processing and storage allow it to save up to 50% (that is up to 9000 litres per year) of drainage water compared to classic RO Systems. And the drinking water quality is superb.

Living a sustainable life is a matter of personal choice, especially when there is cutting edge technology to support it. Do you think you are able to do more to preserve clean water for yourself and future generations? Share your water-saving tips and save more water together!