AQUAPHOR Crystal HA is a softening carbon filter for municipally treated water with visible particles like sand, rust, silt, and high residual turbidity.

The first K5 polypropylene cartridge retains particles down to 5 microns and extends the lifespan of the K7 cartridge, which filters particles down to 0.8 microns.

The K7 carbon cartridge represents the CarbFiber Block technology — the replacement filter contains finely divided activated coconut shell carbon in combination with the patented Aquaphor microfiber absorbent; trade ion-exchange microfiber. Dense structure of CarbFiber blocks allows K7 cartridges to effectively remove active chlorine, heavy metals like lead, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, microplastics and many other contaminants that can be found in city water.

The softening cartridge KH contains ion-exchange resin and can be regenerated a few times using salt. We recommend using softening sorption filters when water is moderately hard (limescale appears in 10-14 days). For highly mineralized water the RO filter is the best option.

Cartridges shall be changed at least once a year, however, in case of emergency discharges of pollutants into the water supply, it is necessary to replace them earlier. The first cartridge should be changed every 3-6 months depending on water turbidity.
4 000
Filter life, L
2 L/min
Filtration rate

Crystal HA product suits

Versatile protection from waterborne threats

Reduces common tap water contaminants including chlorine, organic compounds, heavy metals, rust, phenols.

Hard water minerals
Heavy metals
Organic compounds

Features and equipment

Features — 11
  • Removes sand, silt and rust yes
  • Replacing cartridges without tools yes
  • Drinking water tap yes

Equipment — 11
  • Vahetusfilter K5 1 pc
  • Replacement filter cartridge KH 1 pc
  • Replacement filter cartridge K7 1 pc
Instruction manual
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